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  Title Copies
Act MQA 679 
National Blue Ocean Strategy: Initiatives Undertaken by MINDEF and Armed Forces (2013) 
MIMOS Retrospective 2020: Braving the Waves 
Garis Panduan Untuk Menentang Tipuan Bida Dalam Perolehan Awam 
The administrative of criminal justice in Malaysia: the role and function of prosecution 
Call No: 364  
COPPA 2nd Edition (2017) 
Inside the Interrogation Room 
Year: 1996 
Physics for Matriculation 1 
Edition: Revised Second Edition 
Year: 2007 
ISBN 13: 9789833127559 
Call No: 530 PHY 2007 
The standard of proof at the close of the prosecutions case: is the question finally resolved? 
Year: 2006 
Call No: 347.06 2006 
Akta MKN 2016